Configure the Thread Commissioner

Before you begin this task, complete procedure Configure IoT Profile Settings.

Use this task to define the behavior of the Thread Commissioner role, which can later be assigned to an AP5010/AP5020. The Thread Commissioner securely screens endpoint devices attempting to join the Thread network. The Commissioner uses an Allow List to identify the IoT endpoint devices which have permission to join the Thread network.



Only one Commissioner can be active at any given time in a Thread network.
  1. Go to Configure > Common Objects > Policy > IoT Profiles.
  2. Select an existing Thread Application profile, and then select Edit, or select Add.
  3. Scroll down to Commissioner, and select CUSTOMIZE.
  4. Optional: Type the Commissioner Credential consisting of 6 to 250 alphanumeric characters.
  5. Optional: Set the Commissioner Timeout to a value in the range of 1-2000000 seconds.

    This value represents the ideal or known amount of time it takes for all the IoT endpoint devices defined in the Allow List to join the Thread network. The default is 120 seconds.



    If all of the IoT endpoint devices defined in the Allow List have joined the network but the Commissioner is still running because the Timeout value is set too high, you can force the Commissioner to stop running. See Actions Menu Overview.
  6. Under Allow List of Thread-End Devices, choose from the following actions:
    • Add devices to the Allow List either manually or in bulk, or using a combination of both methods.
      • To add devices manually, proceed to step 7.
      • To add devices in bulk, proceed to step 8.


        This method is available only after the Thread profile is saved.
    • Edit a device entry in the Allow List. Select the target entry, then select . Edit the entry in accordance with steps 7.b and 7.c, then select Save. When editing is complete, proceed to step 9.
    • Delete entries in the Allow List. Select one or more entries, then select . Proceed to step 9.
    • Download the entries in the Allow List to a csv file. Select .
    • Search for an entry in the Allow List. Enter a Joiner ID or PSKd in the search field, then select .
  7. Optionally, add devices to the Allow List manually, as follows:
    1. Select .
    2. In the Joiner ID field, enter a value consisting of 16 hex digits (excluding 16 "F"s) representing the device's EUI-64 (64-bit Extended Unique Identifier). Alternatively, enter * to admit any joiner.
    3. In the Pre-Shared-Key for Device (PSKd) field, enter a value for the shared password in the range of 6-32 alphanumeric characters (0-9, upper-case A-Y, excluding I, O, Q, and Z).
    4. Select Add.
    5. Repeat steps 7.a through 7.d for each device added.
    6. Proceed to step 9.
  8. Optionally, add devices in bulk. Select Import to upload a csv file containing the device details. From the Import Allow List of Thread End-Devices window, choose from the following actions:
    • Deselect the Delete all Allow List entries prior to import check box to append the IoT device entries in a csv file to the existing Allow List. By default, this option is selected, resulting in the removal of existing Allow List entries before device entries in a csv file are imported.
    • Select Download an example CSV import file to view the required format of device entries to successfully import the list.
    • Drag to the Choose File field a csv file containing device entries to be imported, or select Choose to upload a locally stored csv file.
    • Select Submit to upload and add the device entries from the csv file to the Allow List, or select Close to exit the window.
  9. Select Save to save settings, or select Cancel to close the window without saving settings.
To assign the Thread Commissioner role to an AP, go to Manage > Devices < select an AP5010 or AP5020> Actions > Start Thread Commissioner. If necessary, you can Stop Thread Commissioner and reassign the Commissioner role to another AP. See Actions Menu Overview for details.